Monthly Archives: November 2017

A whole branch of science turns out to be fake

As the house of cards comes tumbling down….

Study: can toxic aluminum be removed from the body by drinking water containing silicon?

Excellent. Now we need far more truly independent research.

Super-high levels of toxic aluminum found in the brains of autistic patients: aluminum is present in many vaccines

Take care, Jon, a lot at stake and they will get nasty. Cornered rats and all that….

Popular Resistance: Newsletter – Free Yourself From An Exploitative Culture.

‘Over 3,000 refugees have died in Mediterranean in 2017’. Press TV.


They have been bombed out of their countries and then become a statistic trying to find freedom.

Any one care???

Alan Watts – Become Unstoppable. YouTube.

Vanessa Beeley Presents New White Helmet’s Expose at Swiss Press Club, Geneva. 21st Century Wire.

American Heart Association President Suffers Heart Attack at 52. Dr. Mercola.

This was recently during a health conference.

Wishing him a speedy recovery but here are some things to help him and us every day.

Israel arrests 280 Palestinians for Facebook posts. Middle East Monitor.


Another reason to not use facebook.

Israel arrests 280 Palestinians for Facebook posts

Top 8 ‘immunity boosters’ that actually contain insanely dangerous ingredients. Natural News.

Oh, but it’s the Russians trying to underpin the trust we have in our government.

Methinks the government is doing a pretty good job itself…