Monthly Archives: July 2021

Compromise is Consent – David Icke speaks to Johnny Cirucci.

So many people get by feeling they must not upset people – but that means we will never show the depth of feeling against these abominable restrictions.

Do not comply means just that – do not wear a mask or socially distance and do not use the nhs app and as a healthy person have to self-isolate for 3 weeks because you have been pinged.

And do not use the tests which are the whole basis of this ‘pandemic’.

NHS nurse tells expectant mother that they will be PCR testing their baby as it’s no longer her property once out of her abdomen. MUST WATCH AND SHARE!!!

Shocking footage but kudos to the young couple for sticking up for their rights and those of their baby.

Independence Day 5G Call: Awaken to Freedom – Gro Brundtland, Drs. Belpomme, Rea, Sosa Teo Blazing the Trail for True Health, and Freedom from Suffering. Natural Blaze.

Triggering Agents of Electronic Sensitivity. Dr. William Rea. EXCELLENT!!!

Interview With A Coma Victim. James Corbett. MUST READ and SHARE!!!


Tucker Carlson Tonight Full July 27, 2021.

Covid-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. J. Bart Classen , MD.

Independence Day 5G Call: Awaken to Freedom – Gro Brundtland, Drs. Belpomme, Rea, Sosa, Teo Blazing the Trail for True Health, and Freedom from Suffering. Natural Blaze.

Global Research. mRNA Covid Vaccine is NOT a Vaccine. Makia Freeman.

This article sums up the end of the journey, humanity transformed into sub-humans linked up to the cloud living in a prison under continual surveillance and subject to social crediting based on that behaviour.

Sadly, many people believing the propaganda about a ‘pandemic’ have succumbed to these gene therapies which Makia rightly believes should be called technocratic, transhumanist tools.


How do we halt it?

Stop complying and envision a world of love, empathy and connection, not separation.

Big Pharma Wrote 10,000 Checks Worth $9 Million to Help Elect State Politicians in 2020. The Defender.